The history of Southeast Asia covers the people of Southeast Asia from prehistory to the present in two distinct sub-regions: Mainland Southeast Asia (or Indochina) and Maritime Southeast Asia (or Insular Southeast Asia). Mainland Southeast Asia comprises Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (or Burma), Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam whereas Maritime Southeast Asia comprises Brunei, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island, East Malaysia, East Timor, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore....Wikipedia




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Cultures in conflict : Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the age of discovery
Early modern encounters with the Islamic East : performing cultures
Islam and its culture in south Asia
Mapping frontiers across medieval Islam : geography, translation, and the Abasid Empire
Medieval central asia : polity, economy and military organization (fourteenth to sixteenth century)
Medieval Islam
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Pearls in a string : artists, patrons, and poets at the great Islamic courts
Saladin in his time
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The Age of the Crusades : the near east from the eleventh century to 1517
The Cambridge history of Inner Asia : the Chinggisid Age
The History of Islamic political thought: from the Prophet to the present
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The Making of the Medieval middle east : religion, society, and simple believers
The prophet and the age of the caliphates : the Islamic Near East from the sixth to the eleventh century
The resurgence of central asia :islam or nationalism?
The Venture of Islam : Conscience and History in a world of Civilization
Two hours that shook the world : September 11, 2001 : causes and consequences
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Afghan Wars 1839-42 and 1878-80
Among the Wild Tribes of the Afghan Frontier
Birth of the Persian Empire
Caliphate and Kingship in a Fifteenth-Century Literary History of Muslim Leadership and Pilgrimage: al-Ḏahab al-Masbūk fī Ḏikr man Ḥağğa min al-Ḫulafāʾ wa-l-Mulūk
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Empire and Tribe in the Afghan Frontier Region
English in Post-Revolutionary Iran: From Indigenization to Internationalization
Father of Persian Verse: Rudaki and his Poetry
From Cyrus to Alexander : A History of the Persian Empire
India's and Pakistan's Strategies in Afghanistan: Implications for the United States and the Region
Irreverent Persia
Islamic History : A Very Short Introduction
Islamic Shangri-La: Inter-Asian Relations and Lhasa's Muslim Communities, 1600 to 1960
Islamic States in Java 1500-1700
Islamism and Post-Islamism in Iran : An Intellectual History
Non-Muslims in the Early Islamic Empire : From Surrender to Coexistence
Parable and Politics in Early Islamic History : The Rashidun Caliphs
The Inevitable Caliphate? : A History of the Struggle for Global Islamic Union, 1924 to the Present
The Islamic Scholarly Tradition : Studies in History, Law, and Thought in Honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook
The Ornament of Histories: A History of the Eastern Islamic Lands AD 650-1041
The Ẓāhirīs : Their Doctrine and Their History. a Contribution to the History of Islamic Theology


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Central Asian Digital Archive (CADA)Link
Harvard’s Central Asia Program BlogLink
The Oxus Society for Central Asian AffairsLink
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