Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Its subject matter includes the behavior of humans and nonhumans, both conscious and unconscious phenomena, and mental processes such as thoughts, feelings, and motives. Psychology is an academic discipline of immense scope, crossing the boundaries between the natural and social sciences. Biological psychologists seek an understanding of the emergent properties of brains, linking the discipline to neuroscience...Wikipedia




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The ProQuest eBooks central is major database having Environmental Studies and Ecology eBooks. List of some eBooks is given below:
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E-Books Title
Handbook of Gender Research in Psychology: Volume 1: Gender Research in General and Experimental Psychology
The Psychology of Gender
Engendering Psychology: Women and Gender Revisited
Language: Social Psychological Perspectives: Selected Papers from the First International Conference on Social Psychology and Language Held at the University of Bristol, England, July 1979
Strategic Uses of Social Technology: An Interactive Perspective of Social Psychology
Transforming Psychology: Gender in Theory and Practice
Praeger Guide to the Psychology of Gender
The Psychology of Gender
Engendering Psychology: Women and Gender Revisited
Gender and Social Psychology
Handbook of Psychology, Research Methods in Psychology
Handbook of Physiological Research Methods in Health Psychology
Handbook of Research Methods in Personality Psychology
The Wiley Handbook on the Psychology of Violence
Handbook on the Psychology of Violence
Psychology of Violence
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality
Stigma and Group Inequality: Social Psychological Perspectives
Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality
Evolutionary Psychology and Violence: A Primer for Policymakers and Public Policy Advocates
Strategic Uses of Social Technology: An Interactive Perspective of Social Psychology
The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
A New Psychology Based on Community, Equality, and Care of the Earth: An Indigenous American Perspective
Aggressive Driving: Insights Derived from Psychology's General Aggression Model
Aggression in Humans and Other Primates: Biology, Psychology, Sociology
The Psychology of Social Conflict and Aggression
Marginalisation and Aggression from Bullying to Genocide: Critical Educational and Psychological Perspectives
The Social Psychology of Aggression: 2nd Edition
An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology


Referred Articles

Reimagining gender in psychology: What can critical psychology offer?Link
Gender, psychology, and justice: the mental health of women and girls in the legal systemLink
Psychology of Community DevelopmentLink
Advancing research into the social psychology of sexual orientations and gender identities: Current research and future directionsLink
Does Gender Matter in Personality Psychology?Link
Psychological and sexological characteristics of rape perpetrators - first reportLink
Can evidence-based diagnosis improve psychotherapy? A new way of looking at diagnostic categories may help patients healLink
Does self-compassion protect against stigma-related poor mental health outcomes for sexual and gender minority people? A review of the literatureLink
Building awareness of minority stressors and transgender affirmative therapy: Testing two approaches to psychotherapy with transgender and nonbinary clientsLink
Couples therapy and intimate partner violence: Insights for mental health professionalsLink
Beyond trauma and despair: Searching ancestors’ testimonies for keys to intergenerational Black healing and well-beingLink
Uncovering the Trauma of RacismLink
Providing trauma-informed affirmative care: Evidence-based relationship variables in working with affectional and gender minoritiesLink
The current state of pediatric integrated primary care: Emerging evidence in support of clinical best practicesLink
Joint displays for mixed methods research in psychologyLink
Imagining a vibrant [post]Qualitative Psychology via ‘Experimentation’Link
Elastic Shape Analysis of Brain Structures for Predictive Modeling of PTSDLink
Semi-parametric Bayes Regression with Network Valued CovariatesLink
Towards a general model for psychopathologyLink
Soccer: A Quantitative Analysis of Team Resilience and the Miracle of BernLink
The Invisible COVID-19 Crisis: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk Among Frontline Physicians Treating COVID-19 PatientsLink
On the Dynamic Interplay between Positive and Negative AffectsLink

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Internet/Blog Articles

Sexual Agreements—Do We Need to Talk About This?Link
Rape AllegationsLink
Dispelling the Myths: Female-Perpetrated Sexual AbuseLink
Child Sexual Abuse by Female PerpetratorsLink
Gender Makes No DifferenceLink
The Psychological Impacts of Gender-Affirming Hormone TherapyLink
Healing from Sexual Abuse: Recovery Tips for SurvivorsLink
Coping with Sexual Violence and AssaultLink
Sexual Assault Resources: Places to Go to Heal - Psych CentralLink
Tips for Coping with Sexual Violence or Assault I Psych CentralLink
Sexual Trauma: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Recovery TipsLink
What Is Marital Rape? Everything You Need to Know - Psych CentralLink
Sexual Assault and Harassment Linked to Long-Term HypertensionLink
Understanding the 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding: A Psychological JourneyLink
Social Psychology PerspectivesLink
Social Psychology, Gender/Gender Roles Buisness/Technology GroupLink
The Complete Guide to Understanding Gender DysphoriaLink
Living Community Psychology – Craig Kwesi BrookinsLink
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