Library's private and unique collection includes many first-edition books by renowned benefactors.

Books Received From Personal Collections

The library is very fortunate to have received a rare and priceless collection of original books from the following philanthropists. The library extends its gratitude to all these donors and appreciates their willingness to part with their personal collection for the public good. Thanks to these generosities, today every fourth book in the library is from these donations!

Sr.No.Name of DonorNo. of Books Received
1Roderick Macfarquhar7183
2Sham Lal5755
3Devahuti Damodar3485
4D P Chattopadhyay 2905
5Sheldon Pollock and Allison Busch2754
6Nayan Chanda and Geetanjali Chanda 2063
7H.M. Patel1309
8Dilip Simeon1149
9Srinath Raghavan1139
10Praful Bidwai1004

Other Personal Collections

11Toby Sinclair952
12J C Kapur887
13Thomas Metcalf and Barbara Metcalf779
14Paritosh Sen651
15B. G. Verghese568
16Ashish Dhawan 562
17Ramachandra Guha 527
18P N Haksar480
19Pratap Bhanu Mehta445
20Chandrashekhar Dasgupta404
21Malabika Sarkar396
22Kapil Raj298
23Arunava Sinha268
24Shivshankar Menon259
25A P Saxena241
26Madhavi Menon and Jonathan Gil Harris231
27Neeraj Nevatia224
28Maya Saran and Kranti Saran208
29Anita Guerrini207
30Amit Chandra197
31Shobita Punja194
32Manender Mann185
33Asani Sarkar140
34Mahesh Rangarajan140
35Rudrangshu Mukherjee139
36Madhu Sarin127
37Rakesh Mohan101
38Upinder Singh71
39Indira Gopal62
40Rajendra Bhatia62
41Priyank Narayan53
42Priyamvada Trivedi51
43YIF Department46
44Duleep Matthai36
45A N D Haksar35
46History Department, Ashoka University25
47Palgrave Macmillan16
48Pramath Raj Sinha16
49Justin McCarthy16
50Gilles Vernier10
51Mandakini Dubey10
52Vinita Shastri9
53Guhan Venkat H.8
54Roy Perrett6
55Saikat Majumdar6
56Ali Imran4
57Vineet Gupta3
58Rangashri Kishore3
59Chandana Singh2
60Pulapre Balakrishnan2